The Difference Between SEO Copywriting and Keyword Stuffing

Attract Website Traffic While Still Writing for Human Beings

We have been increasingly receiving more and more questions from clients about Keywords and SEO Copywriting as it has become public knowledge that creating successful content is more involved than just copying and pasting the info from your brochure and plopping it on your homepage.  The super humans over at Google have created a  veritable army designing, tweaking and updating its search engine algorithms daily to stay on top of trends, finding ways to keep things more streamlined, and at the same time, accessible for people without computer science degrees to achieve some visibility.  But, some individuals have become consumed by SEO to the point that their website copy ends up sounding like the robot from the Svedka commercials created it instead of the knowledgeable business owner that they actually are.  I like to refer to websites that partake in keyword stuffing their pages as “keyword puppy mills” and while they think this might be beneficial, there’s one thing that people forget to keep in mind when creating content for a website – human beings are still on the other end reading it.

SEO Copywriting is a mixture of many things including quality content embedded with relevant links, researched keywords, and correct meta tags among others.  At the end of the day, good SEO copywriting is just downright quality writing that engages and inspires people visiting your website to contact you in order to learn more about your products, services or expertise.  If your content doesn’t accomplish that goal, then what good is having someone end up at your website?  Keyword stuffing might attract traffic, but once a viewer reads the spammy jumbled jargon present instead of fluent well-written content, you can bet their cursor will be headed for the “x” at the top-right corner of their screen.  If creating SEO content scares you, then please shoot us an email or give us a call, it’s not so bad, we promise!

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Four Tips on Boosting Your Search Enging Ranking,r:23,s:0&tx=158&ty=29

Just in case you’ve been on a deserted island with no internet access for the last five years, the days when you just wanted people to find your website if they knew your web address, are most definitively OVER.  Your customers and potential customers expect to be able to “Google” any key words they remember about your business and have your website come up.  If it doesn’t, they will see the website of a competitor who is utilizing SEO (search engine optimization).  Not a good thing for you.  If they do happen to stumble upon your website, will your website engage them, or will they be leaving quickly to check out the next site that came up in their search?

If you are now sighing with grief, here are four things that will help you in creating or repairing your website and boosting your search engine ranking:

1.  You need to regularly update your website content to move your site up in search engine rankings (if you’re website is on page 11, might as well not exist).  Think about creating a blog and then make sure there are regular posts—preferably at least several times per week.  If you know you’ll never do this, think about hiring someone who will and who writes well enough that you will be proud to have their content represent you and your brand.

2.  If your market is global, make sure your website/blog is accessible in multiple languages and make sure the translations are not embarrassingly bad.  Internet translator programs are wonderful, but they are not good enough to provide the foreign language content for your website.  Keep in mind though, if most of your business is local, and you still want to reach customers who speak other languages, using a local translation service will help you make sure your translations reflect the colloquial lingo used by people in your area.  We are a Miami translation service and therefore translate content into Spanish (and vice versa) for people in Miami who primarily live and do business in Miami, which is of an international sort because of the diverse Hispanic populations that reside here.

3.  Make your website as interactive as possible without being annoying.  Talking animals that won’t shut up—probably a bad idea.  Keep your readers engaged.  Unless you’re selling nuclear reactor parts, stay away from jargon and convoluted sentences.  Make sure your audience can tell there is a walking, talking, human being eager to help them on the other side of your website/blog.

4.  Use a tool such as Google Analytics or a WordPress plug-in to provide you with data about how many and who is opening your website/blog and what they are doing once they arrive.  This will help you tweak your website/blog based on actual information.

Following these suggestions will help make your web presence a valuable asset and one that will start turning curiosity into conversions!

Capitialization – Say What You Mean!

In a time when efficiency trumps correctness, texting and emailing  have forced most of us to “prioritize” our grammar, and one of the first things to go is usually capitalization.  For those of you who fall into this category (and we’re all guilty sometimes!), please take note of the following statement:

“Capitalization is the difference between helping your Uncle Jack off a horse and helping your uncle jack off a horse.”

Say what you mean and mean what you say!

Uncle Jack

Write that Right on the Front Page of The Doral Hub!

Here’s an article written by Suzanne that made it to the front of the Doral Business Council’s Hub periodical.

The English Discount!

The Right Word

The great American writer, Mark Twain, once famously explained that  “The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.”  This is proven every day by those who travel to countries where a language other than their own is spoken.  One evening when I was an exchange student in Bogota, Colombia, I prompted quizzical looks all around the dinner table when I declared with disgust in Spanish that the movie theater I had visited that afternoon was infested with “inches”.  Not quite.  In Spanish, “pulgadas” is translated as “inches”.  As I scratched the itchy bumps on my arm, I should have been thinking of the the word “pulgas” which means “fleas”.

Sometimes, poor translation has more serious implications.  Many remember Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s effort to get off on the right foot with her counterpart, the Russian foreign minister.  At their first meeting, she presented him with a large red “reset” button, indicating the willingness of the Obama administration to start a new era of international cooperation after a period of strained relations.  Except–oops–the translation was incorrect.  In Russian, the button did not say “reset”,  It said “overload” or “overcharge”.   Secretary Clinton’s face was as red as the button and one imagines that some translator’s head rolled.

The same “lost in translation” moments can occur even when we think we are fluent in the language we are speaking. The Irish playwright, George Bernard Shaw, is credited with pointing out that, “England and America are two countries separated by the same language.” As an American, I thought attending school in England when my father was an exchange teacher would not produce any language embarrassments.  I correctly thought that my accent might engender a few bemused comments, but I did not expect to amuse people by asking where I could find a drug store.  Apparently, I should have been looking for the “chemists”.  In school, I learned that sentences do not end with periods, but rather with full stops.  I’m afraid I just stood there looking confused when my English friend’s father asked me to put my suitcase in the boot, meaning the trunk of the car.  It sounded strange at first to be cautioned to “mind the gap” when getting off a train, instead of being urged to “watch your step”.  But, before long, I just accepted that my friend’s mother was admitted “to hospital” instead of “to the hospital”.

Proofreading my school work was a laborious task as I had to be on the look out not only for the normal mistakes, but also for words that needed to be spelled differently because this was England.  My corrections included centre for center.  Color had to be colour and we studied the British theatre–not the theater. While playfully trying to imitate an English accent with my classmates at recess, from the shocked faces, I learned that “bloody”, was considered blasphemous and a really bad word.

Spanish speakers from different home countries experience the same phenomenon.  When you go to Puerto Rico, it is okay to tell people you plan to “coger el bus” (catch a bus), but say the same thing in Argentina and expect some gasps, and for your choice of words to be corrected, since you just announced that you plan to F*** the bus!


5 Situations that Prove Why You Should Hire a Professional Copywriter

1. You just aren’t any good at it

Talent is about 90% a function of putting in the work, but it’s hard to put the work in for something you don’t feel any connection with. Plus, sometimes you have a pressing need where you don’t have time to get good enough to do it yourself.

Lots of people hate to write. If it’s just a phobia about hitting those keys, you can try speech recognition software, which can be a fantastic time-saver. But if the thought of writing is about as appealing as dental surgery, you’ll never put the work in to get good.

Do more of what you’re good at and less of what you hate. If writing isn’t for you, hire or partner with a really good writer to make sure that part of your business is getting the attention it needs.

It doesn’t matter how fantastic your product or service is if you can’t communicate that to customers. Every company needs to communicate a powerful message — and that means you need strong writing.

2. You don’t have the bandwidth

Even if you love writing, there’s a limit to how many words we can consistently get onto the page or screen every day. Marathon writing sessions can work for some people, but they can also lead to burnout and sabotage your productivity in the long term.

Professional copywriters know “the more you tell, the more you sell.” And that’s even more true in the content marketing world — the more high-quality content you can create, the more authority and customer connection you can build.

Just realize that you need to understand the strategy behind the content you’re creating. Don’t add a writer for the sake of getting more words generated. Understand the business purpose behind all the copy you create, whether or not you do the actual writing.

3. You need particular expertise

You may create really good daily content for your blog, but you need a persuasion specialist to write sales letters that convert fans into customers.

Or you may need a subject matter expert to write a white paper.

Or a strong SEO Copywriter to write content that both serves your business needs and can rank well in search engines.

Realize that you’ll pay more for a copywriter with specific expertise, rather than a generalist … just like you pay more for a Mercedes mechanic who’s been in business for 30 years over some kid at the quickie oil change who’s always wanted to try fixing a Mercedes.

4. You’re too close to the topic

The reason it’s so hard to move from features to benefits is that it can be really tough to be objective about your own business.

You know all the blood, sweat, and tears you put in to make your product or service great. (In other words, the features of your business.) You understand the details behind the scenes.

But your customer may have no interest at all in those things. In fact, they might care deeply about something that’s barely on your radar.

Sometimes a pair of outside eyes can be just what you need to communicate your most important benefits. Your winning difference could even be something you take for granted, but that your customers find wildly impressive.

Just make sure that your writer is looking at real customer feedback. This could come from survey responses, from social media listening, or from conducting interviews with customers. Your copywriter should have direct access to real customer language about why people like doing business with you.

5. The stakes are high

If you’ve got a big launch or an important marketing campaign, you need to make sure your copy is making a great impression.

  • That means a terrific headline that gets attention immediately.
  • It means well-structured content that conveys your authority.
  • It means writing that gets to the point without a lot of fluff or verbal clutter.
  • It means customer-focused copy that clearly conveys valued benefits.
  • It means making sure you know the difference between your and you’re.

Professional copywriters are perfectionists about language. They’re obsessive about tone, subtle shades of meaning, copy structure, and the finer points of grammar and usage.

If that’s not you, you may want to bring in some help. Clunky, error-filled writing is a serious credibility killer.

But … the message still belongs to you

While a talented, well-trained copywriter can help you find your strongest possible marketing message, ultimately that message does need to come from you.

You know the customer you want to reach. You know the little details that will make your copy more interesting. No one will ever know your business like you do, and you need to recognize the hidden remarkable benefit that becomes your best marketing story.

That’s why it pays to study copywriting and marketing even if you turn over every word to someone else. A terrific copywriter can make you sound fantastic — but as the business owner, you’re the one who’s ultimately responsible for your story.

Content from Copyblogger Media

A Cool Service!

We had the pleasure of helping a local business here in Miami with their website content, and we thought their service was so cool we had to share it!

“Creating a short video advertisement to showcase your business is a great way to reach consumers in a different way.  Anybody can take out ad space in a local newspaper or magazine, but attaching a visually stunning video crafted to highlight your business’s positive image will set it apart from the competition.  Please check out some of the video advertisements we have already created to obtain a better idea of how truly impacting they can be.

We will work with you directly to craft a pre-production plan to help us showcase your professionalism and the advantages of using your business.   Our experienced team will handle all aspects of your unique project from pre to post- production to ensure a quality result of which you will be proud to share.

You can post your video on social media sites with millions of visitors per day, send them in e-mails to your valued clients and add them to your business and personal websites.  As an added bonus, we will also post the ad we create for you on our own website to help direct our customers to your business as well!

Don’t throw away money on print advertising that no longer serves as the most effective medium for generating new business.  Show the world you mean business.  Contact us today about how we can help you take your business image to the next level!”

They also do amazing Wedding videos, so check out their website here:

How English Is Evolving Into a Language We May Not Even Understand!

The targeted offenses: IF YOU ARE STOLEN, CALL THE POLICE AT ONCE. PLEASE OMNIVOROUSLY PUT THE WASTE IN GARBAGE CAN. DEFORMED MAN LAVATORY. For the past 18 months, teams of language police have been scouring Beijing on a mission to wipe out all such traces of bad English signage before the Olympics come to town in August. They’re the type of goofy transgressions that we in the English homelands love to poke fun at, devoting entire Web sites to so-called Chinglish. (By the way, that last phrase means “handicapped bathroom.”)

But what if these sentences aren’t really bad English? What if they are evidence that the English language is happily leading an alternative lifestyle without us?

Thanks to globalization, the Allied victories in World War II, and American leadership in science and technology, English has become so successful across the world that it’s escaping the boundaries of what we think it should be. In part, this is because there are fewer of us: By 2020, native speakers will make up only 15 percent of the estimated 2 billion people who will be using or learning the language. Already, most conversations in English are between nonnative speakers who use it as a lingua franca.

In China, this sort of free-form adoption of English is helped along by a shortage of native English-speaking teachers, who are hard to keep happy in rural areas for long stretches of time. An estimated 300 million Chinese — roughly equivalent to the total US population — read and write English but don’t get enough quality spoken practice. The likely consequence of all this? In the future, more and more spoken English will sound increasingly like Chinese.

It’s not merely that English will be salted with Chinese vocabulary for local cuisine, bon mots, and curses or that speakers will peel off words from local dialects. The Chinese and other Asians already pronounce English differently — in both subtle and not-so-subtle ways. For example, in various parts of the region they tend not to turn vowels in unstressed syllables into neutral vowels. Instead of “har-muh-nee,” it’s “har-moh-nee.” And the sounds that begin words like this and thing are often enunciated as the letters f, v, t, or d. In Singaporean English (known as Singlish), think is pronounced “tink,” and theories is “tee-oh-rees.”

English will become more like Chinese in other ways, too. Some grammatical appendages unique to English (such as adding do or did to questions) will drop away, and our practice of not turning certain nouns into plurals will be ignored. Expect to be asked: “How many informations can your flash drive hold?” In Mandarin, Cantonese, and other tongues, sentences don’t require subjects, which leads to phrases like this: “Our goalie not here yet, so give chance, can or not?”

One noted feature of Singlish is the use of words like ah, lah, or wah at the end of a sentence to indicate a question or get a listener to agree with you. They’re each pronounced with tone — the linguistic feature that gives spoken Mandarin its musical quality — adding a specific pitch to words to alter their meaning. (If you say “xin” with an even tone, it means “heart”; with a descending tone it means “honest.”) According to linguists, such words may introduce tone into other Asian-English hybrids.

Given the number of people involved, Chinglish is destined to take on a life of its own. Advertisers will play with it, as they already do in Taiwan. It will be celebrated as a form of cultural identity, as the Hong Kong Museum of Art did in a Chinglish exhibition last year. It will be used widely online and in movies, music, games, and books, as it is in Singapore. Someday, it may even be taught in schools. Ultimately, it’s not that speakers will slide along a continuum, with “proper” language at one end and local English dialects on the other, as in countries where creoles are spoken. Nor will Chinglish replace native languages, as creoles sometimes do. It’s that Chinglish will be just as proper as any other English on the planet.

And it’s possible Chinglish will be more efficient than our version, doing away with word endings and the articles a, an, and the. After all, if you can figure out “Environmental sanitation needs your conserve,” maybe conservation isn’t so necessary.

Any language is constantly evolving, so it’s not surprising that English, transplanted to new soil, is bearing unusual fruit. Nor is it unique that a language, spread so far from its homelands, would begin to fracture. The obvious comparison is to Latin, which broke into mutually distinct languages over hundreds of years — French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian. A less familiar example is Arabic: The speakers of its myriad dialects are connected through the written language of the Koran and, more recently, through the homogenized Arabic of Al Jazeera. But what’s happening to English may be its own thing: It’s mingling with so many more local languages than Latin ever did, that it’s on a path toward a global tongue — what’s coming to be known as Panglish. Soon, when Americans travel abroad, one of the languages they’ll have to learn may be their own.

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Phrasal Verbs: Look out!!!

One of the most difficult aspects of English is our use of “phrasal verbs”.  Combining a verb with different prepositions and adverbs can completely change the meaning of the verb.  Consider the following example of phrasal verbs using the verb “look”.

Today I was hurrying to school so I could finish my assignment about phrasal verbs.  I still needed to look up the meaning of phrasal verbs using the verb “look”.  Thinking about my school work, I wasn’t paying attention to where I was walking.  “Look out!” a man shouted as I almost stepped off the curb in front of a bus.  As I sighed with relief at having narrowly averted disaster, I looked up and there was my best friend, Tom.  I really look up to Tom when it comes to his mastery of English.  He makes learning English look easy.”

There are five examples of phrasal verb expressions that contain the word “look”.  Don’t be depressed, but you will find twelve more if you consult this link:

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