
Terms & Conditions

1.WriteThatRight.com reserves the right to refuse to correct any piece of writing for any reason deemed legitimate by an editor. These reasons include, but are not limited to: the subject of the text breaks the law or is considered obscene or inappropriate; The end use of the text will result in criminal activity or harm to others; The work is for an English class assignment and the client will be graded by an educational institution based on the level of English proficiency rather than the content.

2.WriteThatRight.com will not start to correct any work until full payment is received. Work will be returned within 24 hours of the time payment is received, not from when work is first submitted for a price quote. If any correction will take longer than 24 hours due to the length or the degree of improvement needed, the customer will be notified with the price quote.

3.The fee for the service is calculated based on the word count of the original document, not the corrected version. Clients retain legal responsibility for the content of all the work they submit, including, but not limited to, claims of plagiarism or copyright or license infringement. The client retains all rights to the original and corrected documents. WriteThatRight.com will not be held responsible for any outcomes of the use of corrected work.

4.WriteThatRight.com reserves all rights associated with this website. These include, but are not limited to, the content of this website including all photos, graphics and text: and the technology and programming behind the website.

5. 100% money back guarantee on resume service is contingent on proof that a resume was sent with not altered since WriteThatRight last edited it.  Interviews guaranteed if resume is sent to no less than 5 potential employers and is valid for 60 days from when resume is sent to the client.

6. Any clients not satisfied with the services and conduct of WriteThatRight.com can take no other action than to discontinue the use of its services and its website.

7. WriteThatRight.com reserves the right to change or modify these terms and conditions without notice and at any time.

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